Parenting The Body

We are all just children in adult bodies.

In my personal embodied work, as well as with others—my observation has been that the energy of the body is that of a child. This is not to say the body is not wise—IT IS, and ultimately can guide us once we learn to discern the wise body from the young, wounded child that often expresses through the body.

Our bodies house our emotional responses, and also reflect our deepest psychological unhealed pain.

If we can see our bodies as our most precious child, worthy of our attention and deepest commitment, everything begins to shift. As you bring your conscious awareness to the body, as a loving and wise adult, you begin creating a relationship of trust and safety with your body that is the basis of all healing.

You can’t reach a child through control—it will rebel. It is only through authentic expression that your child can expand and grow in a truly alchemical process through a body.

So, the 1st step is acknowleding “I am not my body, my body is a child and I am here to take care of it, teach it, nurture it, and love it.”

From this space, everything begins to shift—less personalization, more understanding for intense emotions and traumas of this child, but you now have a perspective where you can actually show up and be of service to this child.

You may have been merging WITH this child of the body, leaving it alone to try and care for itself and without an adult’s guidance.

My body has required me to show up as a full-time parent lately as I experience immense personal growth and expansion.

It is a daily practice to create a deeper relationship with it based on trust and safety.

How do you parent your body?