Have you ever experienced burnout?

I personally experienced burnout in 2016, only 6 years into my private therapy practice. Feelings of isolation, resentment, frustration, and just plain *not motivated to work* became my reality after I had been ignoring my intuition for a couple years.

A feeling of wanting to just "leave" the profession, and become a coffee barista β˜• literally made me so joyful.

I would find myself rescheduling clients on days I just couldn't bring myself to show up and absorb another's pain for one more minute. I wasn't practicing energetic or emotional boundaries, and I was ignoring my body.

Then one day it hit me.

I wasn't tired or burnt out because I didn't care--quite the opposite actually.

I was burnt out, because I didn't have the tools I needed to feel competent to truly help and change these people's lives. And therefore, I was showing up to a "dead end" with many of my clients, because I lacked the right tools and understanding of truly how to hold space for deep transformation. They don't have a class called "how to hold sacred transformational space" in many master's programs.

It wasn't because I didn't care, it was because I cared SO much, but felt so inadequate....a combination that ultimately leads to burn out.

That is when my own personal and professional transformation began.
What is now Yothera Method, began with a deep knowing and a promise to never abandon myself again. Allowing my intuition to guide me, one step at a time, led me to the avenues to heal not only myself, but those I served.

How have you experienced burn out in your profession? Tell me your story, and how you've worked with it...I want to hear from you.